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Introducing Impact Week | Exclusive Discounts, Prizes, And Much More

Introducing Impact Week | Exclusive Discounts, Prizes, And Much More
Monica Green
Content Manager4 years ago
View Monica Green's profile

If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know we love a good sale. And while we always look forward to our annual Black Friday event, we wanted more... 

Introducing, Impact Week. An exclusive week of Myprotein discounts and deals to help you re-stock your cupboards, just in time to fuel your summer. 

To help you get ready for a whirlwind of deals, prizes, and discounts, here's all you need to know about Impact Week.


What is Impact Week?

Put simply, Impact Week is a week-long event of incredible deals on all of your favorite Myprotein products, as well as some of our newest innovations. 

We’ll have exclusive discounts across our site and socials, for a limited time only. You won’t want to miss this one. 

Our ambassadors didn’t want to lose out on the fun either, so keep an eye on your favorite Myprotein ambassadors as some even bigger exclusive deals and discount codes could be popping up on their pages too... 


When is Impact Week?

Impact Week begins on the 17th May and runs through until the 26th.

We'll also have plenty going on on our social media too, so keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels so you don't miss out on any prizes, exclusive deals, or Impact Week livestreams.


What Deals Can I Get During Impact Week?

We’ll have sitewide discountsfrom 45% throughout Impact Week, but we’ll be dropping in even bigger discounts here and there, so sign up to our mailing list to avoid missing your shot! And seeing as this is the launch of Impact Week, we’re going big, so you won’t be disappointed. 


Which Products Should I Look Out for?

You didn’t think we’d skimp on new products, did you?

We needed something to drink to celebrate our new event, so we made a limited edition Glittery Clear Whey in our brand-new Blue Raspberry flavor, which is just as amazing as it sounds. As well as this we’ll have loads of other new products available, developed just for Impact Week. 

But of course, all your old favorites will be on offer too, so you can stock up on your Impact Whey Protein, Pre-Workout and Layered Bars for half the price.

And if you need to refresh your wardrobe, keep an eye on MP clothing so you don't miss our clothing discounts.


Take Home Message

We knew you could do with refreshing your supplement cabinet, and Impact Week is here to help. Snap up all your favorites and try some of our new creations too. 

We’ll also have loads of events you can get involved with throughout the week, so head over to our Instagram page to stay up to date. 

Anyway, why are you still reading this? Go, go, go and get your deals!

Want more Impact Week info?


Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Monica Green
Content Manager
View Monica Green's profile