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All-Natural Peanut Butter
Customer Reviews
All-Natural Peanut Butter Customer Reviews

Where reviews refer to foods or cosmetic products, results may vary from person to person. Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of The Hut Group.
Quality PeanutButter
4First Things First: Everyone has different tastes, so take every review with a grain of salt. For those of you like me who are Natty PB connoisseurs you know that every PB DOES NOT taste the same. This peanutbutter is a light roasted peanut PB. It does have the layer of oil like ALL natty PB should. Stir it well and refrigerate and you'll do just fine. Pros: -TONS of little peanut chunks -Lighter roast PB (If that's your thing) -Similar pricing to others and it's shipped to your door. P.S. Order on a sale, totally worth the try.Goes Well With:Everything....
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4It tastes more like peanuts than mass brand peanut butter, but its still much more liquid. Regardless of stirring the consistency will be a thick liquid. This can also be a good thing to mix in with oatmeal or maple syrup with out heat to melt it.Goes Well With:Oatmeal, maple syrup, chocolate, etc
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Got what I paid
5I see some bad reviews for this product. But I want to say, this is exactly what I ordered. The taste and texture is exactly Supper chunky Skippy PB, minus the salt and sugar. I'm satisfied with this product.Goes Well With:Direct eating
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Simple but delicious
5We use losts of peanut butter and I found this site with a good price so we can stock up. It is high quality.Goes Well With:Oatmeal. Organic bread toast with coconut oil,honey and cinnamon. Just on spoon by itself.
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Response to people who can't use PB
5A couple of recent reviews have marked this down for being too watery - this is clearly user error. The peanut butter separates during transport and storage. That's a good thing - it shows it's natural and doesn't have chemicals added like emulsifiers to prevent separation. It does mean that when you open it, you have to give it a thorough mix to get all the oil at the top back in amongst the bulk on the bottom. Admittedly this is a bit messy with a full jar and finger aching. What you need to do then is PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE. This simple act stops it from separating again and keeps it at a good consistency. If it's a bit hard to spread, leave it out at room temp for a few mins before use. It's really not difficult! Great product!
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Peanut Water?
1I don't understand how this product has so many good reviews. After thoroughly mixing, I was able to reach the consistency of a thin shake. Trying to spread this on bread would make it soggy. I was able to mix with about 60% regular peanut butter to make it work, though it is still very thin. This is at room temperature and I have 2 jars that are the same. It might be great for mixing with shakes or oatmeal, but it cannot be used as-is with bread unless you want a soggy mess. I'm very disappointed.
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Not Impressed
3Flavor is good and the price is on the mark. But no matter what I do I can't get it to thicken up, it is super runny which kills it for me. Other than that it's good stuff just wish it was thicker.Goes Well With:Toasted wheat bread, and bananas.
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5I'm a big fan of peanut butter and I've tried out different brands.. This is definitely the best for your macros and your wallet. I see alot of people complaining its not salty enough etc.. That's what makes it great for your macros and diet! It's not full of sugar, bad fats and salt like other brands.. and in my opinion and my friends and family, still tastes so good! I've had both the smooth and the crunchy and I can't decide which I enjoy more! I normally go for smooth because I can fit more into my daily macros as it weighs less that crunchy! But every so often I mix it up with the crunchy aswell :) The only downfall (so minor) is sometimes I can be left with the dry hard peanut butter on the bottom of the jar.. but that is mostly my own fault as you really need to mix it thoroughly even as you're eating your way through the jar! If you stir it up abit every time you use it, you should be fine!Goes Well With:Rice crackers, banana, toast, pancakes, smoothie.. basically everything!!
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4Its not bad, its not amazing. Then again im not crazy about peanut butter. Recommended, but nothing out of this world. Has better macros than other peanut butter. I got smooth not crunchy. Liquid was difficult to mix with the peanut butter after opening. Goes Well With:Peanut butter cravings? pretzels, apples
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Simply divine!
5I love this stuff! Bought three 1 kg jars and am hooked! Texture is excellent (I like smooth peanut butter). I have mixed with honey for a decadent desert. I have also cooked with it. Goes Well With:Honey , cooking
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All-Natural Peanut Butter Customer Reviews
