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5 Supplements That Support The Immune System

What supplements can support your immune system?

Supporting your immune system can make all the difference when it comes to being able to tackle all of your daily activities — from having a productive day at work, to blasting through a successful session in the gym.

It’s the first and last line of defence against illness and disease, so in general, the stronger your immune system is, the healthier you are as an individual. But your immune system has to cope with a lot of external factors on a regular basis.

It can be worn down by illness, toxins and pollution in the air, unhealthy foods, stress, bacteria, aging, and in some cases, even by overexertion. That’s quite a battering if you aren’t looking after yourself properly.

Keeping yourself healthy from the inside out is an easy way to keep on top of things and stay on track with whatever goals you’re working towards.

That’s why we think that strengthening your immune system is just as important to your training routine as building those biceps.

Here are five simple ways you support your immune system.


1. Fish oil supplements

Fish oil supplements, such as cod liver oil, are renowned for their health properties, especially in terms of immunity. Fish oil supplements contain compounds that have been shown to support the human immune system by reducing inflammation, which helps to ward off the development of cardiovascular disease.

Plus, they're a convenient and cost-effective alternative if you struggle to get enough oily fish into your diet.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, commonly known as the 'sunshine vitamin’ because of the human body’s ability to naturally synthesize it when exposed to UV rays from the sun.

Studies have suggested that higher than average amounts of blood vitamin D can substantially reduce a person’s likelihood of suffering from illness and/or disease.1

Vitamin D not only helps support the immune system — it also supports calcium absorption, which in turn can promote bone health and strength.2

3. Probiotics

Probiotics are sometimes referred to as ‘friendly bacteria’ that inhabit the human digestive tract, primarily the gut. Within your digestive tract there are literally millions upon millions of different bacteria; some good and some bad.

Good bacteria, such as Acidophilus, have been found to play a vital role in immune health and function, as they can assist with T-cell productions, which are cells responsible for fighting harmful bacteria, toxins, and free radicals from within.3

As much as 70% of the immune system is actually controlled via what goes on inside the gut, so making sure your gut is healthy is an important place to start.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is arguably the most impressive vitamin when it comes to supporting the immune system, which is perhaps why doctors recommend increasing vitamin C consumption during cold and flu seasons.

Vitamin C is well-known as a supplement for strengthening the immune system, due to its antioxidant properties that help to rid the body of free radicals. Additionally, it can bind to toxic materials from within, preventing them from interfering with natural internal processes carried out by the body.4

It’s also a great one to make part of your training routine, as it helps to support your natural defenses after a tough workout.5

5. Multivitamins

There’s a reason they’re called essential vitamins — every single one comes with a whole host of key health benefits that help you to feel your best. Taking a multivitamin tablet each day is a sweet and simple way to make sure you’re topped up on everything you need.


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01/25/2020 By Ian Roden
Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.
Myprotein Writer and expert
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