A Full Body Workout Designed For A Small Bedroom

Can you work out from the comfort of your bedroom?

Do you need equipment to exercise from home?
Should you take supplements when exercising from home?
What you need to remember when working out at home
Set a designated space
Choose the right program
Warm-up and stretching
It is always important remember to warm up before starting any workout but especially when hitting high-intensity workouts. We want to make sure that all our muscles are warm and activated; this will help you ensure your body is ready which will help increase output and reduce the risk of injury. Take 10-15 minutes to warm up your entire body through a stretching or mobility circuit.
Cool down after working out
Warming up before you work out isn’t the only important part, it is also essential to take the time to cool down after finishing. This is a common part of working out that many of us overlook. Home workouts in nature can be quick and intense, ensuring to cool down will help your body recover quicker, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and reduce the stress from the workout on your body.
Focus on recovery

Create your own bedroom workout routine
Warm up
Lower body exercises
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time (add dumbbells if possible)
- Set your feet just outside of hip width, keeping your head up, and back straight, and driving your bum back and down. Keeping your core engaged, lower until your hips are in line with your knees.
- Hold at the bottom of the movement for 1-2 secs before driving through your feet to push back up.
- Hold at the top for 1-2 secs and repeat.
Reps: 12-15 reps (each leg)
Sets: 3-4 or working time (add dumbbells if possible)
- Start with your feet hip-width apart, keep chest upright, and brace your core.
- Taking a big step backwards with your right foot, slowly lower yourself, bending your left knee towards the ground until parallel to the floor at 90°.
- Make sure to bend the right knee until it is also at a 90-degree angle.
- Hold in the bottom position before driving back up, pressing through your front foot and returning to the starting position.
- As soon as you stand repeat with the other leg and keep alternating.
Sumo squats
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time (add dumbbells if possible)
- Start with your feet wider than hip-width apart, keep chest upright, and brace your core.
- Start driving your bum back and down.
- Keeping your core engaged, lower until your hips are in line with your knees.
- Hold at the bottom of the movement for 1-2 secs before driving through your feet to push back up.
- Hold at the top for 1-2 secs and repeat.
Goblet squats
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time. Grab dumbbells, if possible. If not, try and find something to hold.
- Start with your feet slightly narrower than hip-width apart, keep chest upright, and brace your core.
- Hold the weight (dumbbell or alternative) at chest height, keep chest upright, and brace your core.
- Start driving your bum back and down.
- Keeping your core engaged, lower until your hips are in line with your knees.
- Hold at the bottom of the movement for 1-2 secs before driving through your feet to push back up.
- Hold at the top for 1-2 secs and repeat.
Single leg RDLs
Reps: 12-15 reps each leg
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Soften your knees slightly, keeping them stationary.
- Brace your core and pull your lats back and down and then putting your weight through your right leg, lift your left foot slightly off the floor.
- Start hinging at the hip, keeping your back straight, and allowing your left leg to move backwards behind you.
- When chest and left leg are parallel to the floor, drive your hips forward, lowering your left leg and raising your chest.
- Repeat and then change to other side.
Glute bridges
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time (add dumbbells if possible)
- Lay flat on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms at your side outstretched.
- Engage your core and drive your hips up to the ceiling, pushing through the heels of the foot, keeping your shoulders and arms on the floor.
At the top of the movement, pause and squeeze your glutes before slowly lowering back down to the floor.
Alternative Lower body Movements
Want some more choice? Here are a few alternatives you could try:
- Squat pulses
- Bulgarian split squats
- Step ups
- Calf raises
- Curtsy squats
Upper body exercises
Press ups
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Start in a high plank, placing your hands just outside of your shoulder.
- Slowly lower your chest towards the floor, bending at the elbow and keeping your core engaged.
- Just before you touch your chest to the floor, push through your hands and return to the start position.
Tricep dips
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the surface just behind you, facing your hands forward and arms straight.
- Engage your core and squeeze your glutes, keeping your chest lifted.
- Start by bending your elbows and lowering your bottom towards the floor until your elbows are bent to 90-degrees.
- Then, pushing through your hands, drive yourself back upwards squeezing your triceps at the top of the movement, then repeat.
Shoulder press ups
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Start in a high plank, placing your hands just outside of your shoulder.
- Drive yourself forward so your shoulders are slightly over the wrist and tuck your head in, so you are in a half handstand position.
- Slowly lower your head towards the floor, bending at the elbow and keeping your core engaged.
- Just before you touch your head to the floor, push through your hands and return to the start position.
Alternative upper body movements
- Diamond Press ups
- Bent over row
- Pull ups
- Inchworms
Core exercises
A strong core is essential. Our selection of core exercises will help you to build a stronger foundation. Make sure to master your form and hit the required reps or continuous work for the time allocated.
Sit ups
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
Bicycle crunches
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Lay on the floor, driving your lower back into the ground, bringing your hands to either side of your head and lifting your shoulders.
- Bring your knees up so they are bent at 90 degrees with your feet parallel to the floor.
- Start by bringing your right elbow across your body to meet your left knee while dropping your right leg towards the floor, then return back to starting position. Repeat with the left elbow to right knee and dropping the left leg.
- Keep this movement going to alternatively crunch on each side.
Leg raises
Reps: 12-15 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Lay flat on your back with your legs stretched out in front and arms by your side, place your palms flat on the floor or placed just under the side of your glutes.
- Engage your core drawing your belly button to your spine and pressing your lower back into the floor slowly.
- Start by raising your feet off the floor, keeping your legs straight.
- Lift until your legs are at a 90-degree angle to the hip and then slowly lower your legs back down with control ensuring they do not touch the floor, and repeat.
Single leg V-sits
Reps: 10 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Lay on the floor with your legs out straight out in front of you.
- Keep your arms straight out behind you.
- Bracing your core, lift your torso up driving one of your hands forwards while simultaneously pulling the opposite leg up to meet your hand over your chest.
Keep your arm and leg straight before lowering yourself back to starting position.
Hollow holds
Reps: 10 reps
Sets: 30-60 secs
- Lay flat on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you and toes pointed.
- Raise your legs off the ground slightly and have your arms outstretched vertically over your head (around 6-8 inches), brace your core and drive your belly button down into the floor ensuring your lower back is firmly pressing into the floor.
- Hold this position for the intended time.
Reps: 10 reps
Sets: 30-60 secs
- Get yourself into high plank position and then lower yourself down so your forearms are flat on the floor, hands should be clenched and elbows directly under your shoulders at a 90-degree angle.
Pull your lats back and down, brace your core by pulling your belly button to your spine, while squeezing your glutes and hold.
Alternative core movements
- Bear holds
- C-crunch
- Heel reaches
- Scissor kicks
- Butterfly sit ups
- Russian twists
Cardio exercises
Reps: 10 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, bend into a squat position, lower your hands to the floor in front of you, lean your weight into your hands and jump your feet back into a high plank position, lowering your body to the ground.
- Engaging your core and glutes, return to high plank and then jump your feet back into your hands and return to a squat position before powering up and out of the squat with a jump and repeat.
Mountain climbers
Reps: 20 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Start in a high plank position, brace your core, and squeeze your glutes.
- Start by driving the right knee toward your chest before returning it and then driving the left knee toward the chest.
- Keep repeating this movement until reps are finished.
Jumping Jacks
Reps: 30 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Stand upright with feet hip-width apart, then take a step in so your legs are together, arms at your sides.
- Soften your knees by bending them slightly and pushing through your feet, jump into the air.
- As you jump, spread your legs to be about shoulder-width apart while also stretching your arms out and over your head.
- Once you land in a star position, instantly jump yourself back into starting position and repeat.
High knees
Reps: 10 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, brace to your core and keep your shoulders back and down. Start by lifting up your left knee to your chest, and then as you lower it back down, start to lift your right knee to your chest.
- Continue this switching movement, and then increase the speed to a sprinting or running pace.
Ski jumps
Reps: 10 reps
Sets: 3-4 or working time
- Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, soften the hips and knees slightly, shift your weight onto your left leg and slightly pick your right foot up off the ground.
- Start by bending your left knee and lower your hips, then push explosively through the foot and spring sideways onto your right foot.
- As soon as you land spring back to your left foot and repeat.
Alternative Cardio movements
- Jump squats
- Jump lunges
- Mountain climbers into press ups
- Hand release burpees
- Butt flicks
Take Home Message
No matter your reason for working out at home, even if you need to carve a space out in your bedroom, there are so many home-based exercises to try.All these exercises will have you working hard, getting sweaty, and feeling fitter.

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