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How I’m Preparing For The HYROX World Championships

How I’m Preparing For The HYROX World Championships
Erin McElvogue
Writer and expert11 months ago
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About this time a year ago I had never heard of HYROX. I had no idea about its alternating format, how challenging and fun it is, or how popular it would so quickly become. Fast forward to now and it’s hard to believe I’m well into preparation for this summer’s World Championships.

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I’ve always been someone who loves to work up a sweat in the gym. Give me 100 burpees over heavy barbell back squats any day. Although specific elements of functional fitness always appealed to me, it was never my favourite form of exercise.

I’d spent a few years trying different forms of exercise, but my training was beginning to get lax. While on a birthday trip in Mallorca, I dropped into a gym where a HYROX class was taking place, and it just looked so fun. Running, burpees, lunges, rowing … all the movements I love, low weight but with high reps. Perfect, in my eyes.

At the end of the class, I spoke to a few of the class members who told me all about HYROX competitions, and within five minutes of leaving I was searching to find the nearest one to me back home.

I signed up for some classes at some gyms, and soon took on my first event competing in the doubles. We came third. I enjoyed it so much I spontaneously hopped on a flight to Amsterdam to compete in an individual event. It was scary not knowing anyone, but I WON.

This means I’ll be travelling to Nice in June to compete in the World Championships. The event will feature all the top competing athletes from all over the world. The prospect is extremely nerve-wracking, but I’m also extremely excited about the experience and all the opportunities it’ll provide.

It also means the next few months are going to be full of intensive preparation. I want to make sure I’m as ready as possible, physically and mentally, so this is what I’m doing outside of my training to give me the best chance of success.

Often we think our training is where all the progress occurs, but it’s just a small piece of a much bigger picture. Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and make sure “the small stuff” is in place, and that your lifestyle aligns with your goals.


Intense training brings the risk of injury and underperformance, so I need to look after my body and give it plenty of opportunity to recover between sessions.

I split up my training in a way that allows different muscle groups to recover, and I also enjoy getting regular sports massages, compression therapy, and other recovery therapies.


A good night’s sleep is one the best ways to improve your performance in the gym. It’s also good for cognitive function and stress management. I aim for 7-8 hours a night and try my best to maintain a regular sleep schedule, although this is not always possible.

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Training Partners

It’s interesting what can happen to your drive when you have a specific event to aim for. It’s normal to go through peaks of high motivation, then troughs of feeling less inspired.

But training alongside others competing in HYROX has done wonders for my overall training. We support each other but our competitive spirit also pushes us to perform better.

Alone I may be likelier to not focus on parts of my training that I need to improve, but training with others often highlights what I really need to work on.


Nutrition is incredibly important for supporting recovery and muscle growth, as well as overall health. Eating well is the most important part of nutrition, but supplements really play a part too.

I get my protein from a combination of whole foods and powders, and I also take a combination of other supplements to support my training, including creatine monohydrate, multivitamins, and omega-3.

Take Home Message

While these are the steps I am personally taking to prepare for the HYROX Worlds, they may not be the main focus points for other athletes. When I see other competitors on social media, showing their training and habits, I often start to doubt myself... as we all do at times.

But ultimately, your journey should be about you and no one else. Everyone’s training and habits will look different depending on lifestyle, needs and goals.

If you’re thinking about competing or pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, it’s important to remember that comparison plays no role in success. HYROX is such an individualised race, that allows you to devise a plan that focuses on your strengths... so keep that in mind when you’re training.

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Erin McElvogue
Writer and expert
View Erin McElvogue's profile
Erin is a Mindset & Wellness Consultant & Functional Fitness Coach born & based in Northern Ireland. She works within the corporate, education & fitness sectors delivering 1-1 coaching & group wellbeing sessions. Her passion lies in making wellbeing more accessible & understood by everyone. Highlighting the connection between mental health & physical wellbeing is at the core of her work, allowing people to find, feel & fuel their best selves. Erin can be found spending most of her free time doing some sort of high intensity training - A British indoor mixed relay gold medalist & record holder for 100k Tandem indoor row - She likes to push herself. Educating others through her writing has been at the centre of her business for many years & her love for this just continues to grow.