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Introducing Jeff Seid | The Newest Member of Team Myprotein

Introducing Jeff Seid | The Newest Member of Team Myprotein
Ian Roden
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Ian Roden's profile

The youngest ever IFBB professional, a former Mr. Olympia qualifier, and the now, the newest member of #TeamMyprotein — Jeff Seid

Jeff is a household name in fitness and with his career accolades, his impact on the aesthetic bodybuilding community, and the following he has garnered over the years, it's not hard to understand why.

Jeff could have partnered with any sports nutrition brand he wanted, but he chose us. We're proud to welcome him to the team.

Together, we'll fuel the ambitions of our global community of athletes and fitness enthusiasts worldwide — a community that's 10 million strong.

What attracts us the most to Jeff as an athlete is his ambition and willingness to progress in any direction of his career. Ultimately, it's his undying motivation and his self-described never-quit attitude.

"A true champion is not someone who never fails but someone who never quits"

says Jeff.

We're launching a full length interview with Jeff this Friday so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see it first.

Full Length Interview with Jeff Seid drops this Friday, September 18th. Stay tuned for more from Jeff and Myprotein.

Ian Roden
Writer and expert
View Ian Roden's profile

A Fordham University graduate, Ian majored in communications and media studies with a focus in journalism and a minor in anthropology during his time at college. Here, he wrote for the university newspaper ranked top ten in the nation.

A competitive athlete for most of his life, Ian has spent almost a decade working as an ocean rescue lifeguard in New Jersey. Within that role, he has competed in endurance sports competitions against other lifeguards for the last 8 years.

As a lifelong surfer, Ian spends most of his spare time in the ocean regardless of the time of year. He also enjoys distance running, photography, and frequently spending entirely too much money on concert tickets.
